What can derail your momentum?

In 2014 I wrote, The 21 success principles – it is 2023 and they have stood the test of time

Today I wanted to share things that can derail your momentum and stop you from achieving your best

  1. Easy Money can blindsight you and will force you to stop working on yourself, try and avoid this trap
  2. Remaining in your comfort zone will limit your growth
  3. Doing things cause everyone is doing it, this is a sure shot way to live a miserable life
  4. Chasing the fad – Never works
  5. Health – be vigilant to not neglect it
  6. Bad habits – like eating junk, gambling they form easily and become a lifelong bane
  7. Real friendship is rare treasure it, In life most folks would be fair-weather friends know this
  8. If you are employed, better plan your career otherwise you are going to get a rude shock in 10 years
  9. if you don’t learn, you can’t get ahead in any sphere of life
  10. Learn to communicate or you would be paid less than your worth
  11. if you avoid hard things in life – Exercise, Transparent conversations and soon your life would be hard
  12. Average days would become Average months that would become Average years and soon an Average life
  13. Influence the next generation or the Internet would influence them
  14. You get what you seek, so seek selectively
  15. Social media is like sugar – Know how much can you consume
  16. Tell them you care before they depart, life can surprise you
  17. Be at it, once you lose hope the world does too
  18. Dont kill a budding flower, water it
  19. Never kill your dreams
  20. Measure – Cause if you don’t then it can’t be improved

Many of them are known to us, this post would just serve as a reminder

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