Bored with your job ? Sick of taking orders all day ? You are not the only one who is thinking of becoming full time investor, but before you take the plunge, I want to persuade you to remain in your job and continue as salaried investor (SI)
A salaried investor has tremendous edge over a full time participant in market, What are those edges ? Let explore them
Your bread is not dependent on returns from markets
This is an obvious edge, bear market or bull market, you take home a salary thereby ensuring basic necessities of you and your family is taken care of, you don’t have to sell your shares in distress to pay bills.
You will be less stuck to the screen
In any competitive job, no company will leave you without extracting 60-80 hours a week, which means you will have limited time outside work. This is great as you will miss the daily swings in markets, as Daniel Kahneman wrote in “Thinking Fast and Slow”
… Read the restClosely following daily fluctuations is a losing proposition, because the pain of the frequent small losses exceeds the pleasure of the equally frequent small gains. Once a quarter